BattleStaff, LLC

Personal Projects

Exciting News: Upcoming (Yoga) VR Game in Development!

Tease VR PY

I'm in the development process of a groundbreaking Virtual Reality (VR) game, powered by the Unity engine. We're bringing together stunning visuals, compelling storytelling, and innovative gameplay elements to deliver an experience that is different from the rest.


Stay in the Loop!

We'll be sharing exclusive behind-the-scenes looks, development updates, and teaser trailers in the coming months. So make sure to sign up for our newsletter and follow us on social media to stay up-to-date on all the exciting developments.

Stay tuned for more exciting updates, and thank you for being part of this incredible journey with us!



Podcast engineer for “the Trauma Perspective Podcast (2021-Present-2023)


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tvOS Yoga Media Apple TV App (pending “Perpetural Yogis”Apple tVOS app 2021)

This app I my first attempt to add software development to my skill set. I chose to do a yoga app because YOGA has been my saving grace, allowing me to not only focus on coding, but has relieved me from the trauma of losing my spouse of 20 years of marriage which has always supportive me in my tech adventures.

Through yoga I found a new family and new partner. I want to be able to help them all to continue to reach out to as many people as possible to help them with their self-care needs as they have helped me.




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